Monday, November 30, 2015

Five Great Things from November 30, 2015

I am glad to be back from a nice long Thanksgiving break. I am really thankful to be able to make the time to reflect each day and keep doing great things every day. Here are just five that I want to celebrate today.

  • I made it through the day. Sometimes the toughest days are the ones returning from breaks. That and my 2 month old daughter started at daycare today. I am going to go pick up both kids at daycare for the first time in a few minutes once I finish this post, but no news all day is probably good news. 
  • I am taking a few minutes to reflect and highlight the positive parts of my day. That is a success, especially since I missed the last day of school before break.
  • This online program we use for math today worked very well thanks to someone organizing the laptop cart. I am not sure exactly who did it, but it helped tremendously and hopefully will ensure we can log in every Monday when it is our day for using the software. I was actually able to meet with several small groups while students worked. Meaning I wasn't troubleshooting technical issues and actually teaching math most of the class. 
  • I got read aloud back into my daily schedule. I read for about ten minutes, and am very happy as I think I can keep it back in as part of the daily routine. 
  • I was able to integrate Google docs as part of students writing notebooks today during our writing workshop. I hope to transition to these exclusively and today was a big success in getting over the technology hurdle. That and the lesson went pretty smooth.
Have a great evening and I'll be back tomorrow!

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