Sunday, February 8, 2015


Alright so this week is celebrating the love of teaching by having teachers share why they love teaching. I’ll start out with a blog post and then try to tweet out some examples and maybe have a few more creations throughout the week. 
I love teaching because it allows me to build relationships with kids and create. I can make all sorts of cool things like quick instructional examples to help improve my teaching. Not only that, but I get to test out new ideas and constantly work on improving my instruction as I continually get to know my students. The science behind teaching is what makes me love it. Getting to know what makes your students tick and trying new things to help them learn. When you find something that actually works and motivates students is just amazing. Then I love teaching even more when the thing I found is something I created myself. Well maybe not created myself, but stole and adapted myself. 
Being able to build relationships and create such a wide variety of educational tools or resources for students is why I love teaching. I am excited for this week to keep reminding myself everyday why I love teaching and this has really come at a great time for me!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reading Menus Part 2

So another week down trying to implement more choice and independent reading in my classroom. I have learned a lot this week about my students. They want to do their work on these menus that I have made for them. Unfortunately, they aren't sure how to select a book to do it with. This is probably due to them always being told what to read and not being asked to select their own text. I also realized most students have trouble picking a book. I asked them why they picked a book and most were not even sure. When I followed up with “What would you like to read?” most fell silent. These barriers have led to some mixed results and also information on where to go next. In addition as I continue my way through The Book Whisperer I gain more inspiration and confidence that I can find something that works for me and my students.

Here are my plans as I go forward.

I am going to get my library reorganized by genre the best I know how. This will help the kids and help me recommend. I started just picking up books reading the blurb and discussing what genre it was only to find half my students wanted to try that book. My students want to read, they just need practice picking their own books. I need to get things more organized for them and help them figure this out.

I am also going to simplify their response work. I will have a skill we focus on during the week and something related to that. Beyond that we will just write blog posts about their books. I'll work with them and encourage their blogging. Basically each week I'll have my students complete something to practice a skill we taught and then write a review, recommendation, or summary on their blog about their reading.

Finally, I am going to utilize some other reading programs that students have access to to help give students some other types of extra practice. In addition only giving me about a third of the class to work on reading with.

These changes might help make some improvements over the last few weeks. We will see how they respond next week.